Constipation is a condition that is very uncomfortable and affects everyone from time to time. Some are plagued by the condition for a number of reasons, whether that be diet, mechanical obstruction or other. Essentially, it is the inability to empty the bowel at regular intervals. Associated complications are gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), diverticulitis and irritable bowel. Often constipation can be a symptom of an underlying condition, whether that be a recent cold, virus or something more long term and chronic. The Aark Osteopath Lloyd Tilney has seen many patients suffering with acute/chronic constipation with very good outcomes. The treatment consists of focusing locally on the bowel (soft tissue massage on the lower tummy area) , but also the nervous system which essentially controls and innervates every tissue in the body. As each spinal nerve exits the spinal cord from the central nervous system (CNS) and innervates their correlating tissues, identifying the nerves controlling the bowel (mesenteric ganglion, vagus nerve, splanchnic nerve, hypogastric nerve).


We would recommend you book an appointment to seek Osteopathic treatment. An Osteopath will conduct a thorough screening to rule out any underlying condition, then with the patients consent, treat the relevant musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Many patients treated at the Aark clinic present with a very full colon with dry faecal matter inside. The treatment objective is to relieve pressure on the colon and restore moisture to the colon in order to facilitate peristalsis. Patients normally experience a very substantial bowel movement within 24 hours.

Please be assured Osteopathic treatment does NOT involve any intimate or intrusive techniques. Please contact The Aark Clinic for more information.



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