Knee pain can arise from a multitude of reasons. The knee joint is very complex joint undergoing tremendous weight bearing and force transmission from the foot, hip and low back. Injuries like meniscus tear, cruciate ligament injury, bursitis, tendonitis among others can all be the result from contact sports, growing pains, flat feet, arthritis and poor biomechanics of the lumbar spine and pelvis. Often the knee can become damaged through a twisted pelvis causing the hip to rotate, putting greater strain through the knee leading to early degeneration. Aark osteopath Lloyd Tilney treats many knee injuries such as runners knee, iliotibial band syndrome, meniscus tears, patella femoral disease, patella malt racking, ligament sprains. Athletes and sports people generate many knee injuries and it is advised to consult an osteopath to prevent undue stress on your body.



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