Many people are unaware what is LEAKY GUT. You probably have, most people do. I’ve been researching leaky gut and other gut related health conditions for the past 8 months now and thought i’d shed some light on leaky gut to help spread the word about what it is and how we can repair our gut.


Leaky gut is clearly a condition that affects the gut, but it is so much more than that. This condition affects the entire body, from gut to brain, from liver to thyroid. In my previous post I talked about the MICROBIOME (all the bacteria in our intestines) and the importance of knowing how to feeding the good bacteria.

According to research, leaky gut could be a major reason for conditions such as anxiety, depression, thyroid disorders, joint pain, autoimmune conditions, allergies and more.

Leaky Gut is also known as INCREASED INTESTINAL PERMEABILITY. Our gut lining is designed to only allow certain particles to pass through. With Leaky Gut, damage has occurred which widens those gaps leading to bigger particles i.e toxins, drugs, pathogens, gluten, undigested foods, bad bacteria getting through and wreaking havoc to our organs and tissues.


  • Weight gain
  • IBS/IBD/Crohns disease/Ulcerative Colitis
  • autoimmune disorder
  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Skin issues / Dermatitis
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches/Depression/ADHD

These particles that shouldn’t cross the intestinal wall but have can cause an allergic response by the body. This slow, low grade chronic irritation can lead to the symptoms mentioned above. Leaky gut can also prevent the absorption of fundamental vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron and it vitamin B12.

In my next post I’ll discuss ways in which we can all improve our gut permeability, reduce the wholes in our gut lining and hopefully prevent further progression of conditions we all know too well. Stay tuned.

Author Lloyd Tilney B.Ost (Hons)



Maes M, Leunis JC (2008) ‘Normalization of leaky gut in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is accompanied by a clinical improvement: effects of age, duration of illness and the translocation of LPS from gram-negative bacteria’, Journal of Neuro Endocrinology, 29(6), pp. 902-10.

Vaarala O, Atkinson MA, Neu J (2008) ‘The “Perfect Storm” for Type 1 Diabetes The Complex Interplay Between Intestinal Microbiota, Gut Permeability, and Mucosal Immunity’, Diabetes Journal,  (57)10(2555-2562).

Kiefer D, Ali-Akbarian L (2004). “A brief evidence-based review of two gastrointestinal illnesses: irritable bowel and leaky gut syndromes”. Alternative Therapy Health Medicine10 (3): 22–30.

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